We were grateful to see many Lib Dem bloggers talking about the launch of Liberal Reform, with some quickly becoming members:
- We launched with a piece by Zadok Day on Lib Dem Voice, provoking a lot of comment.
- Nick Thornsby and Charlotte Henry also blogged to explain their role in Liberal Reform and what they hoped it would achieve.
- Andrew Emmerson had favourable things to say, (and most importantly, joined up!)
- Angela Harbutt at Liberal Vision says Liberal Reform is ‘The right sort of Lib Dem group’.
- Martin Shapland, writing for Total Politics, hopes that the emergence of groups like Liberal Reform shows a “welcome development” which could “fill the year-round policy gaps that a five-day party conference simply can’t”.
- Daniel Furr, a member of Liberal Reform, talks a bit about the development of the group.
- Nicola Prigg sees us as a pluralistic group, “to make sure the Liberal Democrats remain the party of radical ideas.”
- Neil Monnery is sceptical, but hopes that we can work with other groups for more unique Liberal Democrat policy
- Free Radical, who also joined Liberal Reform, sees the group as a way to support a thriving rational debate in the Liberal Democrats
- Echoing David Laws in hoping Lib Dems can become an engine of, rather than a brake on government, Liberal Martin hopes LR will “push our radical reform agenda further.”
Lastly, and perhaps leastly, Liberal Reform were picked up early by Kerry McCarthy MP (Lab, Bristol East) who claims party positions on issues like civil liberties and crime, where the party takes undoubtedly liberal positions, were cases of us presenting ourselves “to the left of Labour”. This is exactly the sort of binary, divisive and inaccurate thinking that Liberal Reform exists in part to reject. By pursuing a distinct and uniquely liberal alternative, without falling into an aged dichotomy, we can advantage the party a great deal.
Thank you to everyone who commented and promoted the launch of the group, we were glad to see it, and hope many of you join in the near future.
1 Comment
Liberal Reform – The Aftermath | A Song of Liberty · 22/02/2012 at 3:57 pm
[…] its first faltering steps into the world and received a wonderfully positive response, as laid out here. As mentioned there, my Lib Dem Voice piece officially heralding the launch of the group went most […]